Drug Abuse and Drug Prevention for Parents and Teachers

If you are a parent or teacher looking for drug abuse and drug prevention information and resources to prevent teenage drug abuse in your home or school, you've come to the right place.

Thanks for visiting the "Dangerous Drugs" information site. You're going to hear about two new and deadly drugs endangering your kids at school. One drug looks, smells, and tastes like candy. It's a deadly threat to any kid who likes candy. The other is being sold as Ecstasy and is killing kids all over the country. P

The US Department of Health says about 20 percent of 8th graders, 40 percent of 10th graders, and 49 percent of 12th graders smoke marijuana. Three percent of 8th graders, 6 percent of 10th graders, and 11 percent of 12th graders take the potent mind-altering drug LSD. These kids come from all walks of life, some go to small private schools, others go to huge public schools, but they all have one thing in common: their parents didn't have a clue they were using drugs.

Rave clubs and dance drugs such as Ecstasy kill younger kids every year. They're attracting kids as young as twelve years old. Drug dealers are substituting a new and deadly drug for Ecstasy and other dance drugs. It's usually too late before someone realizes he or she's been tricked. A mother found this out when the drug killed her teenager daughter on Mother's Day. It has already killed over thirty kids. The good news is, you can make sure your kid isn't next.

Until now you couldn't be 100 percent sure your kids were not using drugs.

You're not helpless. You can prevent your kid from using drugs, but first you have to admit that it could happen. It doesn't matter where you live or how much money you make. It can happen to your kid. Don't fall victim to the "not my kid" syndrome. It's a deadly mistake.

It's time to take action. Your kid's life depends on it. Information is your key to saving your kid's life. Drugs are the enemy. Learn about them. Do you know what Beanies, GHB, and Special K are? Do you know that most kids buy their drugs in school? Do you know that one in three kids say they know someone who sells drugs? That's what you and your kid face every day.

How can you keep your kids safe? Simple. Read one book written by a nationally recognized drug prevention expert and former narcotics detective. It will tell you how to keep your kids off drugs.

The National Clearinghouse for Drug and Alcohol Information says the 18-chapter drug prevention manual is "accurate, and appropriate for parents and teachers." It's packed with exclusive information and over fifty actual drug photos that will help you find out the truth. School boards purchase this manual by the hundreds to train their teachers and guidance counselors. Now it's available to you.

For a limited time, you can get this easy to understand life-saving manual directly from the author for only $25.00. For less than the price of going to the movies, your questions will be answered. You can return your family life to normal.

To order, send a check or money order for $25.00 to:

Jeff Morelock
500 Belcher Road # 68
Largo, FL. 33771

Please add $3.00 for standard shipping, or $6.00 for rush shipping.

Now for your free special offer:


Earlier you heard about two new and deadly drugs spreading into your kids' school. These drugs will destroy hundreds of lives if parents aren't warned. Would like a free report that will help you keep your kids safe from these drugs? Just send a note asking for the "New Drug Report" with $4.00 for shipping and handling to:

Jeff Morelock
500 Belcher Road # 68
Largo, FL. 33771

We will send you the life saving report for free even if you don't order the book, but you let me ask you this: Is peace of mind and life-saving knowledge worth more to you and your family than the price of a movie? Remember, this book is guaranteed by a former police officer. You can't lose anything by ordering, but imagine what you could lose if you don't.

Order today -tomorrow may be to late.